Sunday, 8 February 2015

Movie Review: The Little Death

The little death is a movie about love, sex and relationships.  It is also one of the funniest, most awkward, tender, (slightly) romantic, and painful movies I've seen this year.  The movie is essentially about several couples and how they deal with sex and all its quirks -- perfect watching for this Valentine's day (or excuse to watch anyway).  I'm sure anyone who's been in a relationship (though mostly of the longer term sort, not much by way of one-night stands here), can relate with the characters.

The movie is not about sexy stuff or nudity (I don't think anyone got naked at all), so if you're expecting that, well, you know what the Internet is for.  What the movie deals with are several sorts of fetishes -- being aroused by seeing someone cry, or sleep for example, and how the characters go about getting off, whether telling their partners straight up, or in a more roundabout manner.

This is very much worth the watch -- wait for the part with the deaf guy and the phone sex line, though it's at the end of the movie, it had me and the GF laughing so hard we had to stop the movie for a bit just to recover.

Verdict: 4/5 recommended! Some people might find it offensive, though everything's tastefully done.

+ Funny
+ Awkward
+ You can watch it with your mother
+/- You might or might not want to watch it with your GF/BF

Release Date: September 25, 2014 (Australia)
Genre: Comedy, Sex, Relationships
Running Time: 95 Mins based on IMDB
Notable Stars: I totally don't know any of them since they're Aussies.
Seen On: My 23" Monitor

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